Traveling can be quite the expensive affair. Transportation to your destination, lodging, and food can really put a dent in your wallet and that’s just the “basics”. When you start adding things to do it can really get pricey.
Luckily, I live in the great state of Michigan where there are so many FREE things to do. Two awesome, free things to do in Michigan are 1. Scenic Turnouts and 2. Lighthouses. If you find yourself in the Northwest region of the lower peninsula these are some of some great scenic turnouts and lighthouses to visit (and not break the bank!).
Arcadia Dunes Scenic Overlook
Scenic Overlooks
Not every scenic overlook is as gorgeous as the Arcadia Dunes Turnout. But keep your eyes peeled when driving in Northern Michigan for those blue “Scenic Turnout” signs. They often have spots to picnic, some sort of overlook, and sometimes even a short hike. It’s a great way to add a little extra into your day.
Here is a complete list of all the MDOT scenic turnouts in Michigan!
Looking specifically in the NW region of the lower peninsula, there’s one in:
Traverse City (roadside park)
Arcadia (scenic turnout) – my fav!! Be prepared for GORGEOUS VIEWS
Benzonia (roadside park)
Hodenpyl Dam (scenic turnout)
Birch Lake (roadside park)
Fife Lake (roadside park)
Manistee River (roadside park)
Lake Michigan Shores (roadside park)
Top of Arcadia Dunes Overlook
Frankfort North Breakwater Lighthouse 2019
Ok, there are literally a TON of lighthouses in Michigan. But if looking at just the NW, Traverse City region of the lower peninsula, you have 8!
Old Mission Point – located just north of Traverse City | Gift shop, museum and tower climb open daily 10AM – 5PM May-October, Friday-Sunday in November | Call 231-223-7324 for more information
Grand Traverse – located in Leelanau State Park | Open to the public May-October | Call 231-386-7195 for more information
North Manitou Shoal – good views can be seen from Manitou Island Transit | Coast Guard owned, closed to the public
South Manitou Island – part of Sleeping Bear National Park | Can be accessed by Manitou Island Transit
Manning Memorial – located in Empire, in the park at the west end of Niagara Street
Point Bestie – located in Frankfort | Open for tours most weekends, Fridays, and Holidays Memorial Day-October | Call 231-352-7644 for hour
Frankfort North Breakwater – located in Frankfort, close up views can be had by walking along breakwater from Main St.
Manistee North Pierhead – located in Manistee at the end of the north pier, close up views can be had by walking along the pier
Point Bestie Lighthouse 2019
Detailed information on Michigan Lighthouses was found at the Michigan Lighthouse Guide